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On-site Data Collection

NRI Grazing Land

CASI Ecological Site Descriptions for 2021

The state Grazing Land manger may download the list of ecological site description available in the CASI for their state at the following location:

You will need to use your NRI Account login to access this file.  Look for the file named <State>ecosites.xlsx. The file is in Microsoft Excel spreadsheet format. Files were created for states that had at least one “R” ecological site in the EDIT system. The following 13 states do not have a file: Delaware, Kentucky, Maryland, Maine, Mississippi, North Carolina, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, Vermont, and West Virginia.

December 17 Update: The forest ecological sites were incorrectly left out of the original files. The files have been replaced, look for the file named <State>ecositesWithForest.xlsx. The following 2 states still do not have a file: Delaware and South Carolina. If you have already downloaded and started editing the first version of the files, you may continue to work with and submit that file (will we get the differences figured out).

February 23 Update: The final ecological site lists for the 2021 survey are available in a file named <State>ecositesFinal2021.xlsx.

This list was downloaded from the EDIT system on November 2, 2020. EDIT is the official repository for NRCS. The selector on the Eco Site/FSG screen in the CASI allows selection from the sampling point’s state and neighboring states, so you will find sites for multiple states in the file. Note that the CASI gives the data gatherer the option of manually entering a site ID and name if the desired ecological site is not on the choice list.

There has been a request to remove some sites from the choice list that are in the EDIT system but are not valid to be used. The first column of the file includes a Yes/No selector that can be used to document which of the sites are to be removed. Removal is only for the list of options in the CASI and will not impact the EDIT system. Removal of sites from neighboring states will depend on concurrence from other states. For sites not from your state, please coordinate with neighboring states as to which ones should not be available in the CASI.

If you wish to reduce the list, please mark the electronic spreadsheet and email it to by January 8, 2021.