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ITS Newsflash - Windows Mobile Device Center 6.1 Update 3

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Newsflash Expiration Date: November 30, 2020

Update 3 (11/30/2017): The installation of the Windows 10 WMDC Compatibility Registry Update 1.0 application is being run through SCCM and is scheduled to begin December 1, 2017.

Update 2 (10/10/2017): This is an update of additional steps needed when deploying WMDC in support of Trimble devices on Windows 10 (Windows Mobile Device Center Installation/Repair):

The following step must be performed while logged onto the workstation as normal user and execute the steps below as an administrator and rebooting afterwards.

  1. First you can load Windows Mobile Device Center from the MDT build or manually install the software from the IT Resources website.
  2. Then connect the Trimble device to the workstation and close the error message window which pops up: “Ink and voice form installer has stopped working”
  3. Go to the following directory: C:\Windows\WindowsMobile\ and run the Setup.exe as Administrator
  4. Download and run the Windows10WMDCCompatiblityRegistryUpdate.exe from IT Resources.
  5. Run the install.cmd from C:\Temp\WKS\Common\TrimbleWindows10WMDCCompatiblityRegistryUpdate\1.0\
  6. Reboot once complete. (This last step is required for automated installs via SCCM)

After the restart login and the Mobile Device Center should open, if not you can launch it from the Menu to see the device connect to the workstation.

A repackaged installation file has been certified and posted to the IT Resources Website to incorporate the PowerShell install requirements.

The following application has been tested and is certified for use on ITS-supported Windows 7 workstations only. The application is available through the IT Resources Website under the Download Software library.

Windows Mobile Device Center 6.1 is an interface application created by Microsoft to set up new partnerships, synchronize content and manage music, pictures and video with Windows Mobile-powered devices.

Installation of Application

There are two methods available to obtain and install the subject application.

SCCM Installation

  • The installation of the Windows 10 WMDC Compatibility Registry Update 1.0 application is being run through SCCM and is scheduled to begin December 1, 2017.
  • Status of the SCCM Application Distribution is available at the SCCM 2012 Reporting website as follows:
    • Customized Reports - IO
    • DDSB Customized - Application Deployment Type Compliance
    • Under Application, select the Appropriate Application
    • Under Collection, select the Appropriate Collection
    • Click on View Report
    • You can drill down on the link under Success, Requirements Not Met, or Error

The manual install follows our Standard Install Guide, and additional information for the install appears below.

Standard Install Guide Information

Name and version of applicationWindows Mobile Device Center 6.1
Name of installation fileWinMobileDeviceCenter6.1.exe
Extracted location of install fileWKS\Common\WinMobileDeviceCenter\client\6.1\install.cmd
Uninstall instructions for previous versionN/A
Is the installation a silent installYes

Install Conditions

1) Once the program is installed on the workstation, it can be accessed by clicking on [Start] ► [All Programs] ► [Windows Mobile Device Center]

TSD Action Items

  • The GM is responsible for assigning TSD staff to this task.
  • Download and stage the application (workstation) as needed. Use the Standard Install Guide and information above for installation steps.
  • The agency and TSD should work closely together to ensure the software is installed on individual workstations as needed.
  • A manual installation should be recorded in the Deployment Plan. A Remedy Infrastructure Change using CRQ template “TSD – Install Services –Software” may also be submitted.
  • For issues installing or using the software, submit an INC and use Remedy template: “TSD – Software Issues”. If there is an Install CRQ, then relate the incident created to that CRQ.
  • In the Remedy “Notes” field, add the Project Reference RFC number listed below.

Project Reference

  • RFC # 19659 - SCR # 10751
  • RFC # CRQ 594809
  • CRQ2769968

Point of Contact

Questions on this newsflash can be directed to: