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On-site Data Collection

NRI Grazing Land

2020 On-site Training Sessions Finalized

NRCS National Bulletin 290-20-1 provided tentative dates and locations for the FY20 Grazing Land on-site data collection trainings. These dates have been confirmed.

Registration for NRCS employees will occur through AgLearn. Registration for contractors must be handled outside of AgLearn by contacting Erik Suffridge (

Three of the locations remain unchanged from the tentative list in NB290-20-1, but the Vermont session has been moved from Springfield to Burlington. Of particular note, all four sessions in FY20 will be centrally funded so states are encouraged to take advantage of this opportunity (central funding only applies to NRCS employees so contractors must cover their own costs as always). The Society for Range Management is also offering 12 CEUs to all eligible attendees who complete this training.

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