Plant symbols changed in 2023
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In 2023, CSSM updated the plants database in the CASI with the USDA plants database. The following plant symbols, which were collected during the 2003-2022 surveys, have changed.
Old Symbol | Old Scientific Name | Old Common Name | New Symbol | New Scientific Name | New Common Name | Frequency | Note |
ACGR | Acacia greggii | catclaw acacia | SEGR4 | Senegalia greggii | catclaw acacia | 5523 | |
ACRI | Acacia rigidula | blackbrush acacia | VARI | Vachellia rigidula | blackbrush acacia | 4253 | |
GACO5 | Gaura coccinea | scarlet beeblossom | OESU3 | Oenothera suffrutescens | scarlet beeblossom | 3622 | |
ACFA | Acacia farnesiana | sweet acacia | VAFA | Vachellia farnesiana | sweet acacia | 2970 | |
ACCO2 | Acacia constricta | whitethorn acacia | VACO9 | Vachellia constricta | whitethorn acacia | 2753 | |
ACBE | Acacia berlandieri | guajillo | SEBE2 | Senegalia berlandieri | guajillo | 2720 | |
WETE | Wedelia texana | hairy wedelia | WEAC | Wedelia acapulcensis | 1468 | Changed to WEACH var. not in database | |
SCRO5 | Schoenoplectus robustus | sturdy bulrush | BORO5 | Bolboschoenus robustus | sturdy bulrush | 1403 | |
ACSC2 | Acacia schaffneri | Schaffner's wattle | VASC4 | Vachellia schaffneri | Schaffner's wattle | 1338 | |
GAURA | Gaura | beeblossom | OENOT | Oenothera | evening primrose | 930 | |
QUMA6 | Quercus margarettae | runner oak | QUMA13 | Quercus margaretta | sand post oak | 694 | |
ELSU3 | Elymus subsecundus | bearded wheatgrass | ELTR7 | Elymus trachycaulus | slender wheatgrass | 452 | Changed to ELTRS ssp. not in database |
ACAN | Acacia angustissima | prairie acacia | ACAN11 | Acaciella angustissima | prairie acacia | 446 | |
AMAR5 | Ampelopsis arborea | peppervine | NEAR5 | Nekemias arborea | peppervine | 306 | |
CAAL27 | Carya alba | mockernut hickory | CATO6 | Carya tomentosa | mockernut hickory | 260 | |
ACMI | Acacia millefolia | milfoil wattle | MAMI9 | Mariosousa millefolia | milfoil wattle | 231 | |
ACNE4 | Acacia neovernicosa | viscid acacia | VAVE | Vachellia vernicosa | viscid acacia | 174 | |
SCMA8 | Schoenoplectus maritimus | cosmopolitan bulrush | BOMA7 | Bolboschoenus maritimus | cosmopolitan bulrush | 170 | |
GAPA6 | Gaura parviflora | velvetweed | OECU2 | Oenothera curtiflora | velvetweed | 138 | |
ACRO | Acacia roemeriana | roundflower catclaw | SERO | Senegalia roemeriana | roundflower catclaw | 135 | |
GALO3 | Gaura longiflora | longflower beeblossom | OEFI2 | Oenothera filiformis | longflower beeblossom | 94 | |
ACSC | Acacia schottii | Schott's wattle | VASC5 | Vachellia schottii | Schott's wattle | 94 | |
ACAN4 | Acacia anegadensis | blackbrush wattle | VAAN6 | Vachellia anegadensis | blackbrush wattle | 75 | |
CHAM | Chenopodium ambrosioides | Mexican tea | DYAM | Dysphania ambrosioides | Mexican tea | 73 | |
SCFL11 | Schoenoplectus fluviatilis | river bulrush | BOFL3 | Bolboschoenus fluviatilis | river bulrush | 69 | |
FIMI | Fimbristylis miliacea | grass-like fimbry | FIQU | Fimbristylis quinquangularis | fiveangle fimbry | 56 | |
QUPR2 | Quercus prinus | chestnut oak | QUMO4 | Quercus montana | chestnut oak | 54 | |
DUIN | Duchesnea indica | Indian strawberry | DUIN2 | Duchesnea indica | Indian strawberry | 53 | |
GASU2 | Gaura suffulta | kisses | OESU4 | Oenothera suffulta | kisses | 49 | |
EROB | Eragrostis obtusiflora | alkali lovegrass | KAOB | Kalinia obtusiflora | kalinia grass | 48 | |
ERHI2 | Erechtites hieraciifolia | American burnweed | ERHI12 | Erechtites hieraciifolius | American burnweed | 33 | |
CHGR2 | Chenopodium graveolens | fetid goosefoot | DYGR | Dysphania graveolens | fetid goosefoot | 28 | |
TRLA30 | Tragopogon lamottei | Jack-go-to-bed-at-noon | TRPR | Tragopogon pratensis | Jack-go-to-bed-at-noon | 24 | |
CETE | Celtis tenuifolia | dwarf hackberry | CEPU10 | Celtis pumila | dwarf hackberry | 23 | |
PLPS | Plantago psyllium | sand plantain | PLAR6 | Plantago arenaria | sand plantain | 17 | |
POSA11 | Pouteria sandwicensis | 'ala'a | PLSA2 | Planchonella sandwicensis | 'ala'a | 16 | |
GABR2 | Gaura brachycarpa | plains beeblossom | OEPA2 | Oenothera patriciae | plains beeblossom | 16 | |
LIMU | Liatris mucronata | cusp blazing star | LIPU | Liatris punctata | dotted blazing star | 15 | Changed to LIPUM2 var. not in database |
GLPL | Glossopetalon planitierum | plains greasebush | GLSP | Glossopetalon spinescens | spiny greasebush | 13 | Changed to GLSPP2 var. not in database |
GACA5 | Gaura calcicola | Texas beeblossom | OECA4 | Oenothera calcicola | Texas beeblossom | 13 | |
GANE2 | Gaura neomexicana | New Mexico beeblossom | OECO | Oenothera coloradensis | Colorado beeblossom | 9 | |
GALI2 | Gaura lindheimeri | Lindheimer's beeblossom | OELI2 | Oenothera lindheimeri | Lindheimer's beeblossom | 7 | |
GABO3 | Gaura boquillensis | Rio Grande beeblossom | OEBO | Oenothera boquillensis | Rio Grande beeblossom | 5 | |
ACRO5 | Acacia robusta | VARO | Vachellia robusta | 5 | |||
ACSE6 | Acacia senegal | gum arabic | SESE16 | Senegalia senegal | gum arabic | 5 | |
CHBO2 | Chenopodium botrys | Jerusalem oak goosefoot | DYBO | Dysphania botrys | Jerusalem oak goosefoot | 5 | |
GABI2 | Gaura biennis | biennial beeblossom | OEGA | Oenothera gaura | biennial beeblossom | 3 | |
ACCO24 | Acacia collinsii | bull horn acacia | VACO8 | Vachellia collinsii | bull horn acacia | 3 | |
SCBR11 | Sclerocactus brevihamatus | shorthook fishhook cactus | ANBR17 | Ancistrocactus brevihamatus | shorthook fishhook cactus | 3 | |
FISP2 | Fimbristylis spathacea | hurricanegrass | FICY | Fimbristylis cymosa | hurricanegrass | 2 | |
GATR5 | Gaura triangulata | prairie beeblossom | OETR | Oenothera triangulata | prairie beeblossom | 2 | |
ACTO | Acacia tortuosa | poponax | VATO2 | Vachellia tortuosa | poponax | 2 | |
PHME13 | Photinia melanocarpa | black chokeberry | ARME6 | Aronia melanocarpa | black chokeberry | 2 | |
ACHO4 | Acacia horrida | VAHO | Vachellia horrida | 2 | |||
ACSC12 | Acacia scleroxyla | SESK | Senegalia skleroxyla | 1 | |||
ACRE8 | Acacia rehmanniana | acacia | VARE2 | Vachellia rehmanniana | acacia | 1 | |
GANEC | Gaura neomexicana ssp. coloradensis | Colorado butterfly plant | OECOC | Oenothera coloradensis ssp. coloradensis | Colorado butterfly plant | 1 | |
ACNI2 | Acacia nilotica | gum arabic tree | VANI4 | Vachellia nilotica | Egyptian thorn | 1 | |
SCSC4 | Sclerocactus scheeri | Scheer's fishhook cactus | ANSC | Ancistrocactus scheeri | Scheer's fishhook cactus | 1 |