Historical Changes
Changes are listed first by year of data collection and then by protocol
Use these links to jump to changes by protocol:
General and Sample
Point Location
Landscape and Soils
Ecological Site Information
Rangeland Health
Plant Census
Disturbance Indicators
Conservation Practices
Resource Concerns
Soil Stability Test
Gap Intercept for Basal and Canopy Gaps
Line Point Transects for Cover Composition (Point Intercept)
Plant Height
Species Composition by Weight (Production Plots)
Standing Biomass
Pasture Condition Score
Sagebrush Shape
Dry Weight Rank
Changes to the Study by Year of Data Collection
Support for Android
New handheld data collection software has been created for use on the Android Trimble TDC600 hardware. Data collection may occur on either the old Windows Mobile units or the new Android units for the 2022 survey year.
Eco Site FSG
Add Type field to Eco Site/FSG screen to differentiate R vs F sites
With the new paradigm that rangeland and pastureland could be states of either R or F ecological sites, a new item had to be added to the Eco Site/FSG screen to differentiate between R and F sites that would otherwise have the same code.
For data collected prior to 2021 an R code was assigned to all rangeland points and a G code was assigned to pasture/grassland points. G will still be selectable when editing points prior to 2021.
A new list of Ecological Sites now with the Type-F sites included is available in the CASI. The list of sites offered in neighboring states will be restricted to the MLRA that are in or within 30 miles of the point’s state.
RANGE and PASTURE samples combined into one NRI sample
The non-Federal NRI samples are no longer broken up into RANGE and PASTURE samples. Since the start of the PASTURE samples in 2009 the procedure has been to collect pasture/grassland protocols on RANGE sample points and range protocols on PASTURE sample points depending on the conditions (land cover/use) observed at the point. It is expected that the ratio of range and pasture/grassland points observed by the states that have both kinds of points should remain about the same as in the past.
Sagebrush Shape
Additional species added to Sagebrush Shape
Additional sagebrush species plus synonyms were added to the list of species for which shape data is collected. The species picker in Sagebrush Shape now works like the recent plants and plants database search dialogs but limited to a subset of sagebrush plants.
Land cover/use codes changed to match primary NRI
Land cover/use codes altered to be consistent with the 2005 and later codes used in the primary NRI and to eliminate confusion over varying definitions of pasture. A slight variation of the 200 Grassland and 220 Scrub Shrub codes used in the primary NRI will be implemented to facilitate data entry on the instrument as follows: 2000 Grassland not managed as range, 2001 Grassland managed as range, 2200 Scrub Shrub not managed as range, and 2201 Scrub Shrub managed as range.
Substitute sample segments are no longer part of the survey
Substitute segments were a part of the survey from 2016-2017. As of 2018, they are no longer in use.
Plant Census
Timed search for plants may be extended past 15 minutes
Chapter 16 of previous Grazing Land On-site Collection Instructions called for a 15-minute timed search for plants within the macroplot. Starting in 2017 the data collector will:
- Search for 15 minutes, and
- If encounters at least 1 new species in last 2 minutes of search, continue searching in 2 minute intervals until no new species are encountered within the ultimate 2 minute interval.
Standing Biomass
Frame size for production and biomass instructions revised
The instructions are revised to stipulate that:
- States will specify the frame size for herbaceous production or standing biomass subplots.
- All frames will be centered on the mark.
Woody biomass methods changed
The alternate woody method will be used to record woody biomass and the harvest methods for woody biomass will no longer be collected.
Plant database updated
Additional special status plant subspecies/varietals are added to the plant database in the CASI.
Substitute segments added to survey
Substitute segments are available for field data collection when no field data can be collected for any point within the non-Federal NRI Grazing Land sample segments. The order in which the substitute segments are applied is controlled through the NRI Grazing Land Survey Instrument.
Landscape and Soils
CASI now includes criteria describing soil texture modifiers
The CASI will be modified to include the criteria describing the soil texture modifiers as in the third column of NRI Grazing Land Instructions Chapter 7, Table 2.
Eco Site FSG
Not Grazed category wording changed
The words in the NRI Grazing Land instructions (Chapter 8, Table 1) for the not grazed category are changed from "Not grazed within past year" to "No evidence of current growing season grazing" and that change is also made in the CASI.
Plant Census
Plant tally estimates now recorded
Starting in 2016, plant tally estimates will be recorded for the Plant Census protocol.
Resource Concerns
Removed Contaminants - Animal Wastes, Organics
Removed Contaminants-Animal Wastes, Organics as a resource concern.
Removed Contaminants - Salts
Removed Contaminants - Salts as a resource concern.
Condition Score
Added score indicators and summary
Three condition score indicators have been added:
A condition score summary has been added to the CASI
- Plant cover
- Plant diversity
- Plant residue
Conservation Practices
Removed 381, 648, updated 512
- 381 (Silvopasture Establishment)
- 648 (Wildlife Watering Facility) It was combined with practice 614 (Watering Facility)
Updated name for 512 to:
- 512 (Forage and Biomass Planting)
Plant Census
Plant Census no longer measures density
Plant density estimates are no longer recorded for this protocol.
Plant Height
Plant Height measurement changes
The Plant Height protocol is changed to record plant heights:
- To the nearest inch for the first 6 feet,
- To the nearest foot for 7-60 feet, and
- As greater than 60 feet for trees taller than 60 feet.
Soil Stability
Canopy cover excludes annual plants
Canopy cover for soil aggregate stability to exclude annual plants and include only biennial plants, perennial plants, shrubs and trees.
Gap Intercept
Can now set all-foliar canopy gaps same as perennial
The CASI has been modified to allow data collectors to record perennial canopy gaps first and select N-no if the all-foliar canopy gaps are the same as the perennial canopy gaps.
Point Intercept
Deposited soil no longer recorded as litter
Deposited soil is no longer recorded as litter.
Litter has been simplified to three categories:
a. HL-Herbaceous litter is defined as detached stems, roots, leaves, hay bales, and dung.
b. WL-Woody litter is defined as detached woody or succulent litter that is greater than 0.25 inch in diameter.
c. NL-Non-vegetative litter (e.g., plastic, metal, decomposing animal matter).
Landscape and Soils
Additional descriptions for all collection points
Beginning in 2015, data collectors will describe the depth, soil texture, texture modifier, effervescence class, and unusual features (Set II) for each soil horizon in minimum 20-inch hole for all data collection points. This information is needed for soil erosion modeling efforts for rangeland and pastureland such as the Rangeland Hydrology and Erosion Model (RHEM) and the Wind Erosion Model (WEMO).
Sagebrush Shape
a. Sagebrush shape data are collected for all sagebrush species with in the genus Artemisia.
b. Sagebrush species will be recorded along with the shape.
c. Sagebrush shapes will be recorded as:
Disposition data entered for all points
Disposition data are collected for all points in the sample segment. Disposition data track outcomes of data collection for three points:
- Land cover/use of third point
- Reason for not collecting data for eligible points
Three new fields have been included in the CASI Point Location screen:
- Field visit - This field is used to record whether a field visit was made to sample points or if not, the reason why no field visit was made.
- Field position - This field is used to activate the NMEA or Garmin GPS for navigation and capture of field position. It is also used to record outcomes when a site was reached, but the GPS failed to capture the field coordinates. Field position is also used to document reasons that an attempt to get to the sample point failed or why data was not collected if the data collector reached the sample site.
- LCU source - This field is used to record the source of the land cover/use determination for all points in the sample segment.
Ownership codes changed
The choice list of ownership codes changed from eight categories to a simple Non-Federal, Federal (or BLM-Managed, Other for BLM sample points).
Gap Intercept
Changed protocol name to Gap Intercept
The protocol formerly named Line Intercept has been changed to Gap Intercept.
Point Intercept
DS added to litter options
Deposited soil (DS) has been added to litter options (canopy hits 2-6); valid only if basal hit is an herbaceous species.
Rangeland Health
Overall attribute ratings added
Overall attribute ratings for departures from reference conditions based on preponderance of evidence has been added.
Landscape and Soils
Bedrock added to soil texture drop-down list
Bedrock has been added to the soil texture drop-down list
Plant list updated
An updated plant list is available in the 2014 NRI Grazing Land survey instrument.
New BLM sample design introduced
A new sample design is now constructed for the BLM survey with sites independent of historical NRI segments and points.
NRI grazing land on-site data collection will be conducted on Federal BLM-managed rangelands and non-Federal rangelands and non-Federal pastureland in 2013.
Pasture data collected on first two eligible points
Data will be collected for the 2013 pasture sample on the first two eligible points [Ownership code 1-4, 6-7, LCU codes 211-213, 250].
NF Range data collected only where previously collected in 2005 or 2008
The 2013 non-Federal range sample was selected from sites where NRI on-site rangeland data were collected in 2005 and 2008. Data will be collected only for non-Federal rangeland or pastureland points [Ownership code 1-4, 6-7, LCU code is 250, 211-213] where data were collected in 2005 or 2008.
Data collection to resume for BLM
Data collection for the 2012 BLM sample was postponed in 2012 and will be conducted in 2013. Data collectors will collect data for the first two BLM-managed [Ownership code 9] points with land cover/use of rangeland [LCU code is 250].
Landscape and Soils
SSAID and MUSYM associated with the NRI point will be displayed in the CASI. Soil components associated with the SSAID and MUSYM will be presented in a CASI drop-down list.
For cases where the correct soil component is not listed, the data collector will dig a 20-inch pit and record for each mineral soil horizon (maximum of 5 horizons):
- Depth in inches
- Texture, as determined by hand
- Soil texture modifier name or percent rock fragment
- Effervescence class (using 1 N or 1 M HCl)
- Any unusual features
Grazing Land Images application now available
An NRI Grazing Land Images website will be used to upload/archive digital photos taken on site (See Chapter 3 in the instructions).
Gap Intercept
Canopy gap data now includes perennial foliar canopy
Canopy gap data will be collected for perennial foliar canopy in addition to all-foliar canopy.
BLM data collected on first two eligible points
For the BLM sample, data collectors will collect data for the first two BLM-managed [Ownership code 9] points with land cover/use of rangeland [LCU code is 250].
Data collected on Fed and NF rangelands, no pastureland
NRI Grazing Land On-Site Data Collection will be conducted on Federal BLM-managed rangelands and non-Federal rangelands this year. No NRI grazing land on-site data will be collected on pastureland in 2012.
NF Range data collected only where previously collected in 2004 or 2007
The 2012 non-Federal range sample was selected from sites where NRI on-site rangeland data were collected in 2004 and 2007. Data will be collected only for non-Federal rangeland points [Ownership code 1-4, 6-7, LCU code is 250] where data were collected in 2004 or 2007.
BLM sample added
NRI on-site data collection will be conducted on Federal BLM-managed rangelands beginning this year. A sample of segments for the Federal BLM-managed rangelands will be selected. Regardless of the sample (non-Federal range, non-Federal pasture, or Federal BLM), data collectors will collect data on the first two eligible points:
- Non-Federal ownership [Ownership code 1-4, 6-7] and land cover/use is pastureland [LCU code is 211-213], or
- Non-Federal ownership [Ownership code 1-4, 6-7] and land cover/use is rangeland [LCU code is 250], or
- Federal, BLM-managed ownership [Ownership code 9] and land cover/use is rangeland [LCU code is 250]
Web-based CASI now available
CASI installation protocols have been modified and the desktop version of the CASI is now web-based. Refer to the Start-up Guide and Appendix A for additional information.
CASI now accommodates GeoXT and Pro XYZ navigation
The CASI has been modified to accommodate the Trimble Geo XT and the Pro XYZ hand held field data collection devices. In particular, the navigation protocol has been modified to accommodate the new GPS resources available in these devices. Refer to Chapter 3 of the instructions for additional information.
Study name changed to Grazing Land Survey
The name of the study has changed to Grazing Land Survey.
1. The name of the study has changed to Grazing Land Survey and pastureland is now included in the CASI as an eligible land cover type for inventory.
2. Small changes have occurred in several protocols. The Cover and Density measurements have been eliminated. The noxious/invasive plant protocol has been replaced with a plant census protocol. Refer to the following document for a complete list of changes:
Summary of Changes for 2009 Range Instrumentv2.pdf
The soil component data entry is no longer an optional data entry field.
There have been no data collection protocol changes in 2007.The ecological site choice list has been updated to reflect the current sites now available in the ESIS database.
A quality assurance calibration protocol was introduced in 2005 and will be required in 2006.Calibration exercises for data gatherers helps ensure the data collection protocols are being conducted in the same way and greatly improve overall data quality and consistency.
1. The ability to not navigate to a point has been added to the navigation screen. This option should be only used when the ownership of a point has changed or been corrected to Federal or the land cover type is obviously not rangeland.
2. The % dry weight and % climate data entry cells have been converted to choice lists.
3. The calculated reconstructed weight (lbs/acre) is now displayed on the parameters section of the production module.
4. Unknown plants can now be associated with functional plant groups and uniquely identified for a specific point.
5. Unknown plants identified to functional group can now be selected in the production protocol.
General and Sample
These surveys are conducted on grazing lands in the 48 contiguous states and Hawaii.
Changes for 2022:
Support for Android
New handheld data collection software has been created for use on the Android Trimble TDC600 hardware. Data collection may occur on either the old Windows Mobile units or the new Android units for the 2022 survey year.
Changes for 2021:
RANGE and PASTURE samples combined into one NRI sample
The non-Federal NRI samples are no longer broken up into RANGE and PASTURE samples. Since the start of the PASTURE samples in 2009 the procedure has been to collect pasture/grassland protocols on RANGE sample points and range protocols on PASTURE sample points depending on the conditions (land cover/use) observed at the point. It is expected that the ratio of range and pasture/grassland points observed by the states that have both kinds of points should remain about the same as in the past.
Changes for 2020: None
Changes for 2019: None
Changes for 2018: Substitute segments were a part of the survey from 2016-2017. As of 2018, they are no longer in use.
Changes for 2017: None
Changes for 2016:
Plant database updated
Additional special status plant subspecies/varietals are added to the plant database in the CASI.
Substitute segments added to survey
Substitute segments are available for field data collection when no field data can be collected for any point within the non-Federal NRI Grazing Land sample segments. The order in which the substitute segments are applied is controlled through the NRI Grazing Land Survey Instrument.
Changes for 2015: None
Changes for 2014:
Plant list updated
An updated plant list is available in the 2014 NRI Grazing Land survey instrument.
New BLM sample design introduced
A new sample design is now constructed for the BLM survey with sites independent of historical NRI segments and points.
Changes for 2013:
NRI on-site data are now collected for three grazing land surveys: non-Federal rangeland, BLM managed rangeland, and non-Federal pastureland.
Pasture data collected on first two eligible points
Data will be collected for the 2013 pasture sample on the first two eligible points [Ownership code 1-4, 6-7, LCU codes 211-213, 250].
NF Range data collected only where previously collected in 2005 or 2008
The 2013 non-Federal range sample was selected from sites where NRI on-site rangeland data were collected in 2005 and 2008. Data will be collected only for non-Federal rangeland or pastureland points [Ownership code 1-4, 6-7, LCU code is 250, 211-213] where data were collected in 2005 or 2008.
Data collection to resume for BLM
Data collection for the 2012 BLM sample was postponed in 2012 and will be conducted in 2013. Data collectors will collect data for the first two BLM-managed [Ownership code 9] points with land cover/use of rangeland [LCU code is 250].
Changes for 2012:
BLM data collected on first two eligible points
For the BLM sample, data collectors will collect data for the first two BLM-managed [Ownership code 9] points with land cover/use of rangeland [LCU code is 250].
Data collected on Fed and NF rangelands, no pastureland
NRI Grazing Land On-Site Data Collection will be conducted on Federal BLM-managed rangelands and non-Federal rangelands this year. No NRI grazing land on-site data will be collected on pastureland in 2012.
Grazing Land Images application now available
An NRI Grazing Land Images website will be used to upload/archive digital photos taken on site (See Chapter 3 in the instructions).
NF Range data collected only where previously collected in 2004 or 2007
The 2012 non-Federal range sample was selected from sites where NRI on-site rangeland data were collected in 2004 and 2007. Data will be collected only for non-Federal rangeland points [Ownership code 1-4, 6-7, LCU code is 250] where data were collected in 2004 or 2007.
Changes for 2011:
BLM sample added
NRI on-site data collection will be conducted on Federal BLM-managed rangelands beginning this year. A sample of segments for the Federal BLM-managed rangelands will be selected. Regardless of the sample (non-Federal range, non-Federal pasture, or Federal BLM), data collectors will collect data on the first two eligible points:
- Non-Federal ownership and land cover/use is pastureland, or
- Non-Federal ownership and land cover/use is rangeland, or
- Federal, BLM-managed ownership and land cover/use is rangeland
Changes for 2010:
Web-based CASI now available
CASI installation protocols have been modified and the desktop version of the CASI is now web-based. Refer to the Start-up Guide and Appendix A for additional information.
Changes for 2009:
Study name changed to Grazing Land Survey
The name of the study has changed to Grazing Land Survey.
1. The name of the study has changed to Grazing Land Survey and pastureland is now included in the CASI as an eligible land cover type for inventory.
2. The pasture protocols from the 2008 pilot study and the rangeland protocols have been combined. Small changes have occurred in several protocols. The Cover and Density measurements have been eliminated. The noxious/invasive plant protocol has been replaced with a plant census protocol. Refer to the following document for a complete list of changes:
Summary of Changes for 2009 Range Instrumentv2.pdf
Changes for 2008: None
Changes for 2007: None
Changes for 2006: A quality assurance calibration protocol was introduced in 2005 and will be required in 2006.Calibration exercises for data gatherers helps ensure the data collection protocols are being conducted in the same way and greatly improve overall data quality and consistency.
Changes for 2005: None
Point Location: Ownership and Land Cover/Use, Data Gatherers
Navigation, latitude and longitude point location, ownership and land cover/use, data collection team members and job titles
Changes for 2022: None
Changes for 2021: None
Changes for 2020: None
Changes for 2019:
Land cover/use codes changed to match primary NRI
Land cover/use codes altered to be consistent with the 2005 and later codes used in the primary NRI and to eliminate confusion over varying definitions of pasture. A slight variation of the 200 Grassland and 220 Scrub Shrub codes used in the primary NRI will be implemented to facilitate data entry on the instrument as follows: 2000 Grassland not managed as range, 2001 Grassland managed as range, 2200 Scrub Shrub not managed as range, and 2201 Scrub Shrub managed as range.
Changes for 2018: None
Changes for 2017: None
Changes for 2016: None
Changes for 2015: None
Changes for 2014:
Disposition data entered for all points
Disposition data are collected for all points in the sample segment. Disposition data track outcomes of data collection for three points:
- Land cover/use of third point
- Reason for not collecting data for eligible points
Three new fields have been included in the CASI Point Location screen:
- Field visit - This field is used to record whether a field visit was made to sample points or if not, the reason why no field visit was made.
- Field position - This field is used to activate the NMEA or Garmin GPS for navigation and capture of field position. It is also used to record outcomes when a site was reached, but the GPS failed to capture the field coordinates. Field position is also used to document reasons that an attempt to get to the sample point failed or why data was not collected if the data collector reached the sample site.
- LCU source - This field is used to record the source of the land cover/use determination for all points in the sample segment.
Ownership codes changed
The choice list of ownership codes changed from eight categories to a two (Non-Federal, Federal for non-Federal surveys or BLM-Managed, Other for the BLM survey).
Changes for 2013: None
Changes for 2012: None
Changes for 2011:
Historical Federal ownership code (5) is now split into two codes
8 Federal, Not BLM Managed
9 Federal, BLM Managed
Data are now collected BLM-managed Federal rangeland.
Changes for 2010:
CASI now accommodates GeoXT and Pro XYZ navigation
The CASI has been modified to accommodate the Trimble Geo XT and the Pro XYZ hand held field data collection devices. In particular, the navigation protocol has been modified to accommodate the new GPS resources available in these devices. Refer to Chapter 3 of the instructions for additional information
Changes for 2009: None
Changes for 2008: None
Changes for 2007: None
Changes for 2006: None
Changes for 2005: The ability to not navigate to a point has been added to the navigation screen. This option should be only used when the ownership of a point has changed or been corrected to Federal or the land cover type is obviously not rangeland.
Landscape and Soils
Landscape and soil data elements including soil horizons
Changes for 2022: None
Changes for 2021: None
Changes for 2020: None
Changes for 2019: None
Changes for 2018: None
Changes for 2017: None
Changes for 2016: The CASI is modified to include the criteria describing the soil texture modifiers as in the third column of NRI Grazing Land Instructions Chapter 7, Table 2.
Changes for 2015: The 20-inch soil pit and collection of mineral soil hoizon data is now required for all points. This information is needed for soil erosion modeling efforts for rangeland and pastureland such as the Rangeland Hydrology and Erosion Model (RHEM) and the Wind Erosion Model (WEMO).
Changes for 2014: Bedrock added to soil texture field
Changes for 2013: None
Changes for 2012: SSAID and MUSYM associated with the point will be set via a GIS process and displayed (non-editable) in the CASI. Soil components associated with the SSAID and MUSYM will be presented in a CASI drop-down list. For cases where the correct soil component is not listed, the data collector will dig a 20-inch pit and record for each mineral soil horizon (maximum of 5 horizons):
- Depth in inches
- Texture, as determined by hand
- Soil texture modifier name or percent rock fragment
- Effervescence class (using 1 N or 1 M HCl)
- Any unusual features
Changes for 2011: None
Changes for 2010: None
Changes for 2009: The following data elements were added to this protocol:
- Date of Field Visit
- Slope length
- Slope aspect
- Soil confidence rating
Changes for 2008: Soil component name and soil component ID# are no longer optional data entry fields.
Changes for 2007: None
Changes for 2006: None
Changes for 2005: None
Ecological Site Information
Ecological site name, trend, and use for grazing, haying
Changes for 2022: None
Changes for 2021: Add Type field to Eco Site/FSG screen to differentiate R vs F sites.
With the new paradigm that rangeland and pastureland could be states of either R or F ecological sites, a new item had to be added to the Eco Site/FSG screen to differentiate between R and F sites that would otherwise have the same code.
For data collected prior to 2021 an R code was assigned to all rangeland points and a G code was assigned to pasture/grassland points. G will still be selectable when editing points prior to 2021.
A new list of Ecological Sites now with the Type-F sites included is available in the CASI. The list of sites offered in neighboring states will be restricted to the MLRA that are in or within 30 miles of the point’s state.
Changes for 2020: None
Changes for 2019: None
Changes for 2018: None
Changes for 2017: None
Changes for 2016: The words in the NRI Grazing Land instructions (Chapter 8, Table 1) for the not grazed category are changed from "Not grazed within past year" to "No evidence of current growing season grazing" and that change is also made in the CASI.
Changes for 2015: A note is recorded if ecological site or forage suitability group (ES/FSG) is not "All".
Changes for 2014: None
Changes for 2013: None
Changes for 2012: None
Changes for 2011: None
Changes for 2010: Additional choices have been added to further classify why an area is not grazed.
Changes for 2009: None for range, but screen does accommodate entry of Forage Suitability group for pastureland.
Changes for 2008: The ecological site list has been updated to provide more current choices.
Changes for 2007: There have been no data collection protocol changes in 2007.The ecological site choice list has been updated to reflect the current sites now available in the ESIS database.
Changes for 2006: None
Changes for 2005: None
Rangeland Health (range only)
Rangeland health protocol (same as in BLM/NRCS publication)
Changes for 2022: None
Changes for 2021: None
Changes for 2020: None
Changes for 2019: None
Changes for 2018: None
Changes for 2017: None
Changes for 2016: None
Changes for 2015: None
Changes for 2014: Overall attribute ratings for departures from reference conditions based on preponderance of evidence has been added.
Changes for 2013: None
Changes for 2012: None
Changes for 2011: This protocol was modified to collect DIRH (Describing Indicators for Rangeland Health) data where XE- No Ecological Site Established is chosen for ecological sites on rangeland.
Changes for 2010: None
Changes for 2009: None
Changes for 2008: None
Changes for 2007: None
Changes for 2006: None
Changes for 2005: None
Plant Census
Timed (15 minute) census of all the plant growing in the macro plot.
Changes for 2022: None
Changes for 2021: None
Changes for 2020: None
Changes for 2019: None
Changes for 2018: None
Changes for 2017:
The data collector will:
1. Search for 15 minutes, and
2. If encounters at least 1 new species in last 2 minutes of search, continue searching in 2 minute intervals until no new species are encountered within the ultimate 2 minute interval
Changes for 2016: Collection of tally estimates restored.
Changes for 2015: Tally estimates are no longer recorded.
Changes for 2014: None
Changes for 2013: None
Changes for 2012: None
Changes for 2011: None
Changes for 2010: None
Changes for 2009: New in 2009, replaces the noxious/invasive protocol.
Disturbance Indicators
Record presence or absence of a number of past or present disturbances for CMU and macro plot
Changes for 2022: None
Changes for 2021: None
Changes for 2020: None
Changes for 2019: None
Changes for 2018: None
Changes for 2017: None
Changes for 2016: None
Changes for 2015: None
Changes for 2014: None
Changes for 2013: None
Changes for 2012: None
Changes for 2011: None
Changes for 2010: None
Changes for 2009:
Added |
Removed |
Cultivation |
Fences (now included in construction activities) |
Mowing |
Oil field equip. and activities (now called mining/energy equipment operations) |
Hay Removal |
Machinery (pitting, discs,chisels (now called heavy machinery soil disturbance) |
Seedbed preparation (tillage implements, drill)) |
Large mammals (now called non rodent animals) |
Livestock heavy use areas |
Construction activities |
Recreation (vehicles, bikes) |
Drainage or Field Ditch |
Construction activities |
Water flooding, ponding |
Transported fill material |
Brush mgt. biological treatment |
Changes for 2008: None
Changes for 2007: None
Changes for 2006: None
Changes for 2005: None
Conservation Practices
Record presence/need of a number of conservation practices
Changes for 2022: None
Changes for 2021: None
Changes for 2020: None
Changes for 2019: Update name Trails and Walkways (575)
Changes for 2018: None
Changes for 2017: None
Changes for 2016: None
Changes for 2015: The following practices were dropped:
Silvopasture Establishment (381)
Wildlife Watering Facility (648)
Updated name Forage and Biomass Planting (512)
Changes for 2014: None
Changes for 2013: None
Changes for 2012: None
Changes for 2011: The following practices were dropped:
Nutrient Mgt. (590)
Pest Mgt. (595)
Changes for 2010: None
Changes for 2009: The following practices were added:
Nutrient Mgt. (590)
Pest Mgt. (595)
Riparian Herbaceous Cover (390)
Changes for 2008: None
Changes for 2007: None
Changes for 2006: None
Changes for 2005: None
Resource Concerns
The NRCS technical guide served as the source for resource concerns listed in this protocol. Concerns are recorded at the Conservation Management Unit (CMU) level.
Changes for 2022: None
Changes for 2021: None
Changes for 2020: None
Changes for 2019: None
Changes for 2018: None
Changes for 2017: None
Changes for 2016: None
Changes for 2015: The following concerns were dropped:
Contaminants-Animal Wastes, Organics
Changes for 2014: None
Changes for 2013: None
Changes for 2012: None
Changes for 2011: None
Changes for 2010: None
Changes for 2009: None
Changes for 2008: None
Changes for 2007: None
Changes for 2006: None
Changes for 2005: None
Soil Stability Test (optional for pasture)
A soil aggregate stability test which measures the stability of the soil when exposed to rapid wetting and provides information on the degree of soil structural development and erosion resistance.
Changes for 2022: None
Changes for 2021: None
Changes for 2020: None
Changes for 2019: None
Changes for 2018: None
Changes for 2017: None
Changes for 2016: None
Changes for 2015: Annuals and biennials are excluded from plant cover for this protocol. Cover will include only perennial plants, shrubs, and trees.
Changes for 2014: None
Changes for 2013: None
Changes for 2012: None
Changes for 2011: None
Changes for 2010: None
Changes for 2009: None
Changes for 2008: None
Changes for 2007: None
Changes for 2006: None
Changes for 2005: None
Gap Intercept for Basal and Canopy Gaps
Provides an estimate of canopy gaps along both transects. Large gaps between plants are important indicators of potential wind and water erosion and weed invasion.
Changes for 2022: None
Changes for 2021: None
Changes for 2020: None
Changes for 2019: None
Changes for 2018: None
Changes for 2017: None
Changes for 2016: A third Yes/No question has been added to assist in determining whether perennial and all-foliar gaps are the same.
Changes for 2015: The CASI has been modified to allow data collectors to record perennial canopy gaps first and select N-no if the all-foliar canopy gaps are the same as the perennial canopy gaps.
Changes for 2014: Protocol name, Line Intercept, changed to Gap Intercept
Changes for 2013: None
Changes for 2012: Starting in 2012, Canopy gap data will be collected for perennial foliar canopy in addition to all-foliar canopy.
Changes for 2011: None
Changes for 2010: None
Changes for 2009: None
Changes for 2008: None
Changes for 2007: None
Changes for 2006: None
Changes for 2005: None
Line Point Transects for Cover Composition
Rapid, accurate method for quantifying species composition, ground cover, litter, rocks and biotic crusts. Completed at 3 foot intervals along transects
Changes for 2022: None
Changes for 2021: None
Changes for 2020: None
Changes for 2019: None
Changes for 2018: None
Changes for 2017: None
Changes for 2016: None
Changes for 2015: Deposited soil is no longer be recorded. Litter categories are simplified to include only Herbaceous litter (HL), Woody litter (WL), Other litter (OL).
Changes for 2014: Deposited soil (DS) added to litter options (canopy hits 2-6); valid only if basal hit is an herbaceous species.
Changes for 2013: None
Changes for 2012: None
Changes for 2011: None
Changes for 2010: None
Changes for 2009: Organic matter (dung) was added as a choice for litter.
Changes for 2008: None
Changes for 2007: None
Changes for 2006: The most recent plant list now works as intended. Recently added plants are always retained on the list when the list number limit is reached.
Changes for 2005: Unknown plants can now be associated with functional plant groups and uniquely identified for a specific point.
Plant Height
The species and height of the tallest plant in a cylinder tangent to the transect line is recorded.
Changes for 2022: None
Changes for 2021: None
Changes for 2020: None
Changes for 2019: None
Changes for 2018: None
Changes for 2017: None
Changes for 2016: None
Changes for 2015: Plant heights will be recorded to the nearest inch for the first 6 feet, to the nearest foot for 7-60 feet, and as greater than 60 feet for trees taller than 60 feet.
Changes for 2014: None
Changes for 2013: None
Changes for 2012: None
Changes for 2011: This protocol has been modified to record the species and height for both herbaceous and woody plants at each mark.
Changes for 2010: None
Changes for 2009: This is a new protocol for 2009. Plant height was previously part of the cover density and height protocol now discontinued.
Species Composition by Weight (Production Plots) (non-Federal range only)
Herbaceous and Woody plot production and Similarity Index calculations
Changes for 2022: None
Changes for 2021: None
Changes for 2020: None
Changes for 2019: None
Changes for 2018: None
Changes for 2017: None
Changes for 2016: The instructions are revised to stipulate that:
1. States will specify the frame size for herbaceous production or standing biomass subplots.
2. All frames will be centered on the mark.
Changes for 2015: None
Changes for 2014: Total allowable production now summarized separately for herbaceous and woody species.
Changes for 2013: None
Changes for 2012: None
Changes for 2011: None
Changes for 2010: None
Changes for 2009: A mandatory category of herbaceous standing dead material has been added to this protocol.
Changes for 2008: None
Changes for 2007: None
Changes for 2006: None
Changes for 2005:
- The reconstructed weight in lbs/acre is now displayed on the params screen.
- Plants that cannot be identified can now be assigned to a general functional group. Identification of all plants to a genus/species is strongly encouraged.
- The % dry weight and % climate data entry cells have been converted to choice lists.
Standing Biomass (pasture only)
Biomass estimate for points classified as pasture, done instead of Production Plots.
Changes for 2022: None
Changes for 2021: None
Changes for 2020: None
Changes for 2019: None
Changes for 2018: None
Changes for 2017: None
Changes for 2016:
The instructions are revised to stipulate that:
1. States will specify the frame size for herbaceous production or standing biomass subplots.
2. All frames will be centered on the mark.
Woody biomass methods changed.
The alternate woody method will be used to record woody biomass and the harvest methods for woody biomass will no longer be collected.
Changes for 2015: None
Changes for 2014: None
Changes for 2013: None
Changes for 2012: None
Changes for 2011: None
Changes for 2010: None
Changes for 2009: New in 2009
Condition Score (pasture only)
Pasture Condition Score for points classified as pasture.
Changes for 2022: None
Changes for 2021: None
Changes for 2020: None
Changes for 2019: None
Changes for 2018: None
Changes for 2017: None
Changes for 2016: None
Changes for 2015:
Added indicators:
- Plant cover
- Plant diversity
- Plant residue
Allow zero (not applicable) entries for Wind erosion
The Pasture Condition Score is now calculated and displayed
Changes for 2014: None
Changes for 2013: None
Changes for 2012: None
Changes for 2011: None
Changes for 2010: None
Changes for 2009: New in 2009
Sagebrush Shape (range only)
Shape and species of sagebrush (chosen from a set list of measured species) at 3-ft intervals along both transects.
Changes for 2022: None
Changes for 2021: None
Changes for 2020: None
Changes for 2019: Additional species added to Sagebrush Shape.
Additional sagebrush species plus synonyms were added to the list of species for which shape data is collected. The species picker in Sagebrush Shape now works like the recent plants and plants database search dialogs but limited to a subset of sagebrush plants.
Changes for 2018: None
Changes for 2017:None
Changes for 2016:None
Changes for 2015:
1. Sagebrush shape data are collected for twenty-two sagebrush species with in the genus Artemisia and Sphaeromeria.
2. Sagebrush species will be recorded along with the shape.
3. Sagebrush shapes will be recorded as: Columnar or Spreading (Mixed choice has been removed).
Changes for 2014: None
Changes for 2013: None
Changes for 2012: The choice list now includes 00 All none to fill in zeros for all marks when no Artemisia subgenus Tridentatae sagebrush species are present on the transect.
Changes for 2011: New in 2011.
Dry Weight Rank (optional)
Dry weight ranking method optional for both range and pasture points.
Changes for 2022: None
Changes for 2021: None
Changes for 2020: None
Changes for 2019: None
Changes for 2018: None
Changes for 2017: None
Changes for 2016: None
Changes for 2015: None
Changes for 2014: None
Changes for 2013: None
Changes for 2012: None
Changes for 2011: None
Changes for 2010: None
Changes for 2009: New in 2009