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On-site Data Collection

NRI Grazing Land

Sample and Ancillary Data Files

The state Grazing Land managers and those given the current year's GrazingDataManagement role may download sample lists and ancillary data files at the following location:

You will need to use your NRI Account login to access these files.

For the current survey you will find three files for each of the two types of on-site samples (NRI and BLM) that are applicable to your state:

  • The counties files contains numbers of sample segments by county.
  • The segments file contains lists of sample segments.
  • The ancillary data file contains point-level information for the sample segments.

Note that since 2021 there are not separate Range and Pasture files. Those two samples of non-federal NRI segments have been combined into a single grazingland file. Points falling on rangeland will still be collected using the rangeland protocols and points falling on land not defined as range will continue to be collected using the pasture/grassland protocols.

These files are used for planning purposes and requesting permissions from landowners.